SpaceChain is like Blockchain for space.
To really simplify it, Blockchain is like an OS, running on many computers worldwide, in a decentralized network.
Bitcoin, was the first “app” to “run” on the Blockchain – which was followed by over a thousands other virtual currencies, or services like Smart contracts, that uses Blockchain in order to work.
SpaceChain is built on the top of the Blockchain source-code, and modified for applications in the space industry. The organization Bitnations undertaking to create their own space agency, “Bitnation Space Agency”, is just like Bitcoin once was for Blockchain, the first “app” to use SpaceChain in order to create a decentralized and transparent space agency with an open-source ideology, with the goal to make space travel as DIY-friendly as possible, available without restrictions to any individual, at any time.
Anyone is welcome to register an account and join our projects, or propose projects to be carried out – our policy is that anyone, with an interest in space, should be able to join a space agency, without any kind of discrimination.
The agency is non-profit, with its HQ based in Stockholm, Sweden, under Swedish jurisdiction and a part of several other space agencies around the world.
Bitnation is also the authoritative body of SpaceChain, regulating missions, funding and support.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We do NOT and CAN NOT impose or ratify any sanctions on the SpaceChain network, requested by any nation or entity, like the U.N, E.U or the U.S, regarding any kind of civilian or military strategical/non-strategical items, mission(s), or otherwise “artifacts” existing on the SpaceChain Network, restricted by the affected sanction or sanctions, to any entity, organizations, countries or authorities at all.
Please understand that SpaceChain is a fully automated system, and it is physically impossible to stop a certain person, entity (like an organization), nation or any given group to use it for their purpose.
The Swedish company SpaceChain has nothing to do with the network itself, nor have any influence over how it is used.
We cannot or have administrative access to “transactions” and “transmissions” over the SpaceChain network.

If you are looking for Spacechain Foundation, which is a private space agency, please go to spacechain.com
We are not connected to the SpaceChain Foundation in any way.

We provide
creative solutions for all your needs!
Since prehistoric times, when the first humans gazed at the stars, the dreams of the wonders of heaven have been a central ingredient of mankind’s mythology, religion and in the modern age, the driving force to reach beyond the boundaries of the human voyage.
Early Argonauts used the stars to navigate the seas and oceans. Explorers used it to plot their course through unknown territory. Ancient civilizations gave names to the constellations after their gods and beliefs, laying the ground of today’s religions.
As our civilization matured, with the industrial and scientific revolution, the heavens constantly changed, challenged, and shaped the perception of our place in the universe.
It is only merely a few hundred years ago when we thought that our planet was the center of the universe. Modern science proved our sun to be one of the trillions among the infinite stars in the universe and with the new discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics and the theories of multiverse, giving us a hint that our universe might just as well be one of many others.
Since the beginning of the space age, which began with Sputnik in 1957, space-science has given us countless new technologies, from the simple Teflon in our frying pans to innumerable scientific discoveries ranging from new drugs for curing deadly diseases, to inventions that laid the ground of the information technology, Internet, and global communication and positioning, GPS using satellites orbiting the planet, and yet we are still at the beginning of what lays ahead of us.
With this in mind, it is quite obvious that space-science is essential for us as a species to evolve further, to invent new technologies and make new discoveries.
Our planet can no longer sustain the need for resources of the growing population, and it is already necessary for humans to colonize other celestial bodies and planets.
The resources of our planet are shrinking at a rapidly increasing speed, and it is needless to say that resources have been one of the two main reasons for countless wars throughout our history, the other meaningless reason being ideologies, like politics and religion. The day that we must leave the cradle crawls closer and closer for every second. It is, therefore, a necessity for the survival of our species to develop space-travel at a large scale, available to everyone at any time, without discrimination. Money, social status, geographic habitat, or any other reason, should not dictate whatever or not an individual has access to space travel.
That is where the SpaceChain Space Agency comes into play with the SpaceChain Network space program. The very special essence of this idea is to open-source and decentralize space-travel; a space agency that is not bound to any nation or state, free for everyone to participate regardless of nationality, geographic habitation, or current political situation.
We at SpaceChain Space Agency welcomes you to a new era of human adventure.
To seek and find new ways of making our lives better and to make new discoveries and create new technologies that will ensure the survival of our species.
A few things we’re great at
Space missions are challenging endeavors.
Potential risks include damages to properties, endangering the health or life of the staff or people on the ground.
Therefore, every single component must be tested several times and redundancy is an important rule of manufacturing modules to planning every part of a mission.
There is simply no margins of errors when working with high-explosive materials or launching rockets that could accidentally drop down in populated areas.

The redundancy rule applies to all mission-critical components. All computer-systems, electronic components, and likewise have a twin that takes over if the main component fails. In some cases, like the flight-computer, there are three others in reserve if the main system fails.
The navigation-systems guidance components, also known as FOG’s (Fiber Optic Gyroscopes) are always in pairs.

It is more important that a mission goes precisely as planned rather than saving a few dollars. We always look for the highest quality in every mission.
The mission of SpaceChain Space Agency is to build an international, decentralized, and open-source space agency open for everyone, regardless of nationality, geographic habitat, or national geopolitical dynamics.
If you have an idea, contact us, and our vast network of scientists, researchers, engineers, to even juridical teams around the globe, will build it for you from scratch, or help you in any way you may seem proper.

Objectives: (Status)
1. Create a decentralized and open-source space agency. (Goal achieved)
2. Research and develop new and better technology for space-travel/space-missions. (Several projects)
3. Develop new eco-friendly fuel for space vehicles. (Rocket fuel) (Goal achieved)
4. Develop a new generation of navigational systems, as the current GPS accuracy and maximum performance (speed and altitude) is limited for space research. (Goal achieved)
5. Create a cheaper technology and platform on open source basis that enables those with limited budget to reach space and/or do experiments in microgravity environment. (Several projects)
6. Develop new and cheaper space vehicles enable of reaching LEO (Low Earth Orbit), GSO (Geostationary Orbit) and other celestial bodies like the Moon or the asteroids. (Goals achieved: 1 satellite in LEO, 3 in GSO)
7. Research in alternative energy sources, mainly anti-matter trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field. (Goal achieved)
8. Research and develop technologies for mining minerals and resources on other celestial bodies, like the Moon, other planets, celestial bodies, or asteroids. (In planning)
9. Creating communication-networks and data-centers in Earth orbit, beyond the reach of any state/nation or regime to work toward total immunity and neutrality of the future IT-infrastructure. (Goal achieved)
10. Building fuel-depots and an international network based on virtual currencies for refueling of satellites and other space vehicles, enabling humans to travel further into space. (At design level)
11. Doing research in the field of space-medicine and the effects of microgravity and cosmic radiation on humans and living organisms. (Goals achieved – projects continue.)
12 Doing research on the effect of cosmic radiations on electronic components in order to develop new technologies that are able to withstand the harsh environment of outer space. (Goals achieved)

All technology developed by SpaceChain Space Agency will be available to the public on an open source basis.
Additionally, we strive to make sure that every component and other features are eco-friendly.
Currently, the SpaceChain Space Program is working on several high-end projects, together with other space agencies around the world.
SpaceChain Space Agency also envisions to explore the possibility of developing robotic technology for mining on other celestial bodies, mainly the Moon.
Because of the absence of liquid water and atmosphere, most minerals, metals, especially rare earth metals used in electronics can be mined directly on the lunar surface.
Further, technologies for gathering hydrogen and using lunar dust and ice to create oxygen for rocket fuel to haul the ores back to Earth are under developement.
The mining industry is one of the heaviest creators of pollutions on Earth. By moving the mining operations from our planet, to other celestial bodies or the Moon, there will be a very positive impact on the Earths environment and the changing climate.
SpaceChain Space Agency will also do research in developing new technologies in the field of alternative energy sources in the frame of the SpaceChain Network Space Program.
The program known as “Anti-matter mining”, also known as “AMM” aims to develop technology that will be able to make use of the vast amounts of anti-matter trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field, which are replenished by the solar wind, and gives us an infinite source of green energy.
We are working on building magnetic anti-matter trapps, for safe transportation of anti-matter to Earth, and for using as fuel in fuel-depots in orbit for space vehicles launched from Earth.
However, highest-priority research of the space agency will be to develop the next generation manned space crafts, in the Phaeton project.

SpaceChain in the news

Amateur spaceflight? Copenhagen Suborbitals, SpaceChain Space Program give it a shot
On April 14, as recorded on the program’s Facebook page, the SpaceChain Space Program officially became the space agency of Bitnation, which, according to Bitnation’s own website, is “a collaborative platform for do-it-yourself governance” that “provides the same services traditional governments provides, from dispute resolution and insurance to security and much more – but in a geographically unbound, decentralized, and voluntary way.”
Bitcoin in space: Spacechain world’s first decentralised space agency
Bitnation, an organisation working with bitcoin, has decided that now is the time to highlight the virtues of decentralisation, with Spacechain to expand the human race throughout the universe.
Bitnation — a transnational network created to organize a variety of non-state governance services using the Blockchain infrastructure — has created a Bitnation Space Agency. The Agency intends to be a coordination platform for open-source space efforts around the world, and has its own Five-Year Plan for crowdfunded technology development and space missions. Iman Mirbioki (“Bitnation Space Agency,” A Blog About Nothing Particular, June 2, 2015), who co-founded the venture with Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, estimates BSA will radically cheapen spaceflight by eliminating administrative overhead altogether (an 80% cost reduction by itself) as well as open-sourcing all technologies. Tempelhof argues that corporate efforts like SpaceX are “just the beginning of democratizing the technology”; BSA will “take it further, not just make it accessible to people outside of the government, but also make it open source, and DIY friendly” (Jamie Redman, “BitNation and Spacechain: The Mission to Decentralize Space Exploration,” Coin Telegraph, June 22, 2015).
Bitnation Space Agency at Nothing in Particular Blog
How many supporters of the technology behind Bitcoin are also interested in extending that technology into Earth orbit? You may have heard about Jeff Garzik’s plan to launch satellites loaded with Bitcoin nodes into orbit not that long ago. The new Bitnation Space Agency is interested in taking a more active role in decentralizing space efforts. I was able to catch up with Chief Operations Officer Iman Mirbioki for a brief interview.
BitNation & Spacechain: The Mission to Decentralize Space Exploration
A new decentralized space venture has recently begun, formed by a recent partnership with BitNation and Spacechain. R.O.S.S. (Race to Open Source Space) is a small rocket being prepared by the two teams. The mission of the program is to compete directly with space operations owned and operated by the nation states and private businesses.
Our Team
Do Not Wait – Join Us At SpaceChain Space Program – Anyone With An Interest In Space, Astronomy, Technology, Or Other Fields, Are Welcome To Join The Team
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